
The Preventable Deaths Tracker is the first and only centralised database of all coroners’ Prevention of Future Deaths reports that provides real-time statistics.

Year to date


Published coroners’ PFD reports in 2025.

This month


Published coroners’ PFD reports so far this month.

Interactive Dashboard

The Preventable Deaths Tracker database is now interactive. Filter by date of report, name of addressees who were sent reports, up to 12 coroner areas, or individual coroner names to get the statistics you need. You can select multiple filters at once, download reports, and save outputs by using the new My Account feature. A maximum of one year of data can be downloaded if filtering by date.

Download a Sample Report to review what you will receive.



Reports Heatmap Heatmap of the report frequencies for coroner areas Greater Manchester South (466) London Inner North (295) West Sussex, Brighton and Hove (179) Surrey (171) Birmingham and Solihull (172) London East (162) Nottinghamshire (122) South Wales Central (131) Greater Manchester West (116) Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent (123) Norfolk (116) Greater Manchester North (126) County of Devon, Plymouth & Torbay (107) Yorkshire West Eastern (114) Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton (93) London Inner South (139) Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (119) Yorkshire West Western (92) County Durham and Darlington (106) The Black Country Jurisdiction (85) Avon (97) Essex (86) Yorkshire South West (90) London Inner West (79) Bedfordshire and Luton (73) London North (66) Leicester City and South Leicestershire (74) Cumbria (74) London West (60) Suffolk (71) Kent Mid and Medway (63) Liverpool and the Wirral (69) North Wales (East & Central) (101) Derby and Derbyshire (59) Berkshire (66) Manchester City (65) Lancashire and Blackburn with Darwen (55) Greater Lincolnshire (67) Cheshire (51) Worcestershire (68) Yorkshire South East (52) Dorset (70) Milton Keynes (72) Blackpool and Fylde (51) London South (46) Wiltshire and Swindon (54) Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (48) Gwent (44) Warwickshire (34) East Riding of Yorkshire and Kingston-upon-Hull (36) Gloucestershire (38) Kent Central and South East (30) Northamptonshire (36) Sunderland (45) Oxfordshire (31) Coventry (27) Hertfordshire (32) Newcastle and North Tyneside (36) East Sussex (27) Kent North East (22) North Yorkshire and York (29) Somerset (28) Swansea and Neath Port Talbot (31) Northumberland (21) Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin (26) Buckinghamshire (23) Teesside and Hartlepool (23) North West Wales (22) Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire (22) Rutland and North Leicestershire (13) Kent North West (10) Herefordshire (15) Isle of Wight (19) London City (15) Gateshead and South Tyneside (11) Sefton, Knowsley and St Helens (6) Ceredigion (1) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 387


From July 2013 to present


Published coroners’ Prevention of Future Deaths reports in England and Wales.


From July 2013 to present


Reports with all published responses


From July 2013 to present


Reports without any published responses


From July 2013 to present


Reports with some, but not all, required responses published

Loss of life cost

From July 2013 to present


UK Gov – Average appraisal value estimates per death (£ in 2023 prices)

Responses by area

Top 30 from July 2013 to present

Response status by year

From July 2013 to present

Responses by contact

Top 30 from July 2013 to present

Responses by coroner

Top 30 from July 2013 to present

Support the Preventable Deaths Tracker

If you or your organisation can provide sustainable funding for the Preventable Deaths Tracker, please do get in contact.

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