Impact of the tracker
Our tools are used by the death investigation system to improve practice and inform policy.
Tracking responses overtime
The Preventable Deaths Tracker’s work has significantly increased the publication rate of organisational responses – from less than one-third with published responses to almost half.
Recognition in the Government’s response to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry
The Government acknowledged the work of the PDT in their response to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry.
Presentation at University of Sydney, Australia
Dr Richards gave a keynote presentation about the PDT at the Institute for Musculoskeletal Health.
Visit to the Coroners Court of Queensland, Australia
Dr Richards met with the State Coroner of Queensland and team at the Coroners Court of QLD.
Presentation at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, Australia
Dr Richards gave a keynote address about the PDT on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
Visit to Australia’s National Coronial Information System
Dr Richards spent the afternoon learning more about the NCIS database of all inquests.
Feature in the Coroners’ Bench Book
The PDT featured in the Chief Coroner’s Guidance for Coroners on the Bench.
Address to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Patient Safety
Dr Richards delivered a talk to the APPG on Patient Safety to share the work of the PDT.
Commissioned article for The Times
Dr Richards was commissioned to write a feature on the work of the Preventable Deaths Tracker.
The Times investigation on antidepressant-related deaths
The PDT provided data to The Times to explore deaths involving sertraline and citalopram following Thomas Kingston’s death.
Feature in The Times
The Times published several articles on the PDT with quotes from Dr Richards on the death investigation system.
National State of Patient Safety Report Launch, House of Lords
The PDT’s work featured in Part 3 of the Report & Dr Richards was a guest at the launch event.
History of Preventing Future Deaths
Support the Preventable Deaths Tracker
If you or your organisation can provide sustainable funding for the Preventable Deaths Tracker, please do get in contact.